Liminal World is an on going project where Glover searches for locations round the world which can convey the threshold between inner and outer worlds, time and impermanency. Glover's small wooden box, with a pinhole at one end and roll film at the other, provides the means for her playful and yet meditative relationship to the world. These photographs bring together specific moments of liminality so that we may ask ourselves not only about the nature of photographic representation and the role of the photographer in this but about our relationship to time and our need to step out of the rush of contemporary life in order to understand it.
A selection of this works was show at Hooper’s gallery in London 2010. and in 2013 at Le Cinq Gallery, Rabastens, Tarn, France.
She has published two books based on this series Objects of Colour: Baltic Coast,
a collaboration between Glover and writer/poet Kay Syrad and Liminal World. Both obtained from this website