The Art of Bob #5
The Art of Bob #6
The Art of Bob #3
The Art of Bob #4
The Art of Bob #2
The Instruments of Life
The Instruments of Life
The Instruments of Life
The Instruments of Life
The Instruments of Life
The Instruments of Life
Human embryo, 8 cell
Oocyte with sperm
Human embryo, 8 cell
Mature oocyte with sperm
Sweet Pea Petri Dish 1
Sweet Pea Petri Dish 2
Sweet Pea Petri Dish 3
Poppy Seed Photogram 1
Poppy Seed Photogram 2
Frozen Hollyhock Ovum 1
Frozen Hollyhock Ovum 2
Frozen Hollyhock Ovum 3
Frozen wells
Suffolk puff patchwork and culture dishes
Ex ovo omnia - everything from the egg
Abbreviations – Cyan
Seeing eggs everywhere
More strawberries, less cherries
Contained at Bourn Hall
Bourn Hall | Steptoe's Missing Clog
Blossom Explosion | The A.R.T of Van Gogh
Blossom Explosion
New beginnings - Oocyte
New beginnings - 2 cell
New beginnings - 4 cell
New beginnings - 8 cell
New beginnings - Morula
New beginnings - Blastocyst
Tie Morphology
Sperm Morphology
The Birth of a Star
Donated eggs
Chromosome Socks
Mementos Amori
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